Listen360 Google Reviews Now Enabled


Google reviews through Listen360 will be enabled for all franchisees on Thursday, February 21, 2019.

Google review solicitation was turned off through Listen360 after Google updated its content policy to prohibit “review gating.” Review gating is a process where businesses first find out if a customer’s experience was positive or negative and only ask those who report a positive experience to leave a review. To comply with Google’s new policy, Listen360 had to allow all customers to share a review. This change required programming, which is now completed. 

Once Google reviews are enabled through Listen360, customers will be engaged in this way:

  •  Promoters (9-10) and neutral customers (7-8) will be asked to leave a review during the Net Promoter Score (NPS) process. (Same process as before.)
  • Detractors (0-6) will be emailed a separate request to leave a review 10 days following the NPS process. This will allow franchise owners the chance to view their survey and contact the dissatisfied customer before they are asked to leave a review. (New process.)

If you choose to disable this functionality for your business, you should contact Listen360 directly at to tell them to please disable, or “opt out”, of the Google reviews for you.  Enabling this function is available at no additional cost and will turn on automatically on February 21, 2019.  Please note, we recommend turning the Google reviews feature back off in Listen360 if you are using another online reviews vendor such as Broadly, Podium or ReviewBuzz. If left on, this would result in multiple requests for a review being sent to the customer and a  poor customer experience.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Franchise Consultant.

Topics: Marketing Update

Natalie Walker, Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys

Natalie Walker, Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys

Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys



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