Marketing Creative Survey Results & 2019 Ad Depot Plans

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2018 marketing creative survey! We were thrilled to receive 70 responses – the information provided valuable insights about what marketing tactics are working, which aren’t and what new pieces need to be developed. Read this month’s article for a summary of key takeaways and a preview of new additions coming to Ad Depot.

Key survey findings:

  • 87% franchisees use print in their local marketing efforts
  • Of the respondents in November:
    • 50% had not yet logged into Ad Depot
    • 25% logged in without placing any orders
    • 25% have logged in and placed Ad Depot orders
  • The Ad Depot platform has helped streamline past issues of numerous one-off requests and owners not being able to customize marketing creative in the previous Ad Builder platform.
  • Owners are happy they now have more options and can offer more feedback on additional enhancements.
  • In the 2017 marketing creative survey, franchisees felt there weren’t enough marketing materials available. Today, there are more than 400 pieces and we heavily communicated the new Ad Depot platform’s rollout – which has been well-received.
  • Feedback and inspired improvements include:
    • Business card font was too small and design was limiting. A responsive design with larger font and options to remove the mailing address and add “We’re Hiring” text on the back of cards was completed in December 2018.
    • Some owners said the marketing turnaround time was too long to receive new, print materials. To add a new marketing piece to the Ad Depot portal, the standard time frame is one month before it’s available. Developing new artwork or editing existing materials includes a cross-functional team to design, approve and to complete the technical processes involved. We encourage owners to continue sharing your input so we can continuously improve Ad Depot. As always, having your local marketing planned three or more months in advance to successfully implement and so you can reach your customers through all seasons.
    • As of October 2018, thicker paper stock is now being used on flyers to address feedback about these pieces being printed on too light of stock in the past.
    • There is currently a double-sided yard sign available on Ad Depot and in 2019, all yard sign designs will be feature double-sided designs.

Please see our 2019 U.S. Marketing Calendar for the full plan (the Canadian version will be posted on FranConnect soon), including quarterly focus topics. Owner feedback was used to inspire the 2019 seasonal promotion calendar – and we continue to appreciate the engagement of The Grounds Guys’ network! If you have any more feedback or questions, please contact me at

Topics: Marketing Update

Natalie Walker, Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys

Natalie Walker, Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys

Brand Manager, The Grounds Guys



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